Email Marketing and Automation

Email Marketing and Automation


We’re based near Bristol

We’re not tucked away in some anonymous call center. We’re a local company, so you’ll be able to reach us when you need us.


We’ll take 100% of the risk

If we don’t improve your marketing profit margin in the first 3 months, then you’ll get a full refund on our services.


Our first priority is to get you results

Not pretty vanity metrics like website visits, social brand recognition rates, or ad impressions. We only look at sales.


We’re based near Bristol

We’re not tucked away in some anonymous call center. We’re a local company, so you’ll be able to reach us when you need us.


We’ll take all the risk

If we don’t improve your marketing profit margin in the first 3 months, then you’ll get a full refund on our services.


Our first priority is to get you results

Not pretty vanity metrics like website visits, social brand recognition rates, or ad impressions. We only look at sales.

Email marketing automation examples

PS! click on the examples to read in further detail.

Lineaarne e-maili automatsioonIf you are in no need of a fancy solution to a simple task, then a linear flow is probably what you are looking for. Or a Zappier-CRM solution. But let’s focus on that linear flow in this one. 

It’s the most straightforward of all the systems. People go from point A to B in an orderly fashion and everyone gets the same treatment. Some examples of this in real life would be:

  • Post-purchase client service. Collecting feedback, wishing happy birthday, introducing supplementary products.
  • Post-purchase follow-up to educate the client on how to best use the product or service.
  • Servicing an enquiry. Letting the person know that you have received it. In case of delays, keeping them calm and relaxed.

There are plenty more examples, but I’m sure you can already imagine how this works. 🙂

One time project – set it and forget it. 

PS! We can easily link your CRM with Zappier to have them communicate with each other. Imagine being able to launch an email flow by simply ticking a box in Hubspot or Pipedrive. Now that’s awesome!

Uudiskirja e-maili automatsioonDon’t worry too much about that example on the right. It’s purely illustrative. Your newsletter automation would look entirely different. They’re all different. 

More diverse when you have a lot more going on. And more budget. But can be a lot simpler when you don’t need it to do tens of different things at a time. Or you want to be more conservative with your money.

Overall, it’s a newsletter like any other. Feel free to sign up to ours if you want to see one in action. Here’s how we do them: 

  1. Start by mapping out our topics. This is what we want to talk about with our subscriber.
  2. Write down our goals for this funnel. What it needs to do for us to be happy. 
  3. Talk about the money. Everything costs something and we want to make sure to stay under budget.
  4. Set deadlines. And stick to them.
  5. Build it. Test it. Launch it.

A well-built newsletter allows you to have a fun conversation with your potential customers and deliver quality content to them. For free. It will automatically send these emails at the best possible time and day to achieve the highest open rates and CTR. Plus, it’ll track everything. You’ll know which headlines work and which ones don’t.

It will also tell you which email addresses are more engaged and whom to exclude from future communication. Having a healthy and engaged email list is important, as it keeps your sender authority score high. Spam filters and SPamhaus use this rating to monitor for suspicious emailing behaviour. Bad score gets your letters sent to SPAM, or worse – your domain being shut down.

Varasemate klientide kaasamise e-maili automatsioonIn short, if you want to increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), then this is the solution for you.

It’s going to be your favourite sales tool when running an online store. This flow works by tracking what type of products someone adds to their cart or purchases, keeps a record of it, and suggests similar or complimentary products to add as extras to their next cart. Brilliant, really. 

You can fully customise which products get suggested, how often, and the criteria that needs to be met before anything happens. You can even go as far as offer them a 20% (or higher) discount for certain products or the entire basket. All automated and running 24/7. 

Külma müügi e-maili automatsioonWould you like a new sales person that works 24/7, does not require a salary, and predictably delivers new hot leads to your doorstep on a silver platter?

Let’s have a chat!

The purpose of this automation is to effectively deliver the right messages and value propositions to your prospective contacts. You are building a relationship by not investing your own hours into it. Only when they are ready to have a talk with you, they’ll reach out and let you know. By this point they are quite happy to hear your offer and have a think about it. 

We do not recommend using purchased email lists or any other suspicious method for acquiring these leads (forget data scraping AI). It is highly likely that you could either end up with a spam trap in your mailing list or irreparably damage your sender authority rating.

If you need help collecting your leads in a proper way and having a good quality list of cold emails, do let us know. We’ll help you out for free. Unless you want us to do the work for you, which is also fine. 

The key to a good cold sales flow is filtering out the inactive emails. You want to have a high deliverability rate (ideally 98% or higher), an average open rate of at least 30% and an average click rate of 5%+. Otherwise you are throwing money in the wind. 

Upselling e-maili automatsioonQuite similar to the aforementioned upsell and CLV flow, but this one focuses more on the product categories, instead on purchase behaviour. 

In the upsell flow the system focuses on how to increase their shopping basket, but this is not always relatable to every business. What if you are selling jewelry, where someone is not purchasing a new set of diamond earrings each month. 

We want to offer them a diamond pendant necklace, instead. For this, we must understand whether they purchased a 24-carat white gold set of earrings or a 9-carat rose gold set with sapphires on the rim. 

Building such a sophisticated flow is often more expensive and only makes sense if your profit margin is also higher for each purchase. Especially, when selling high-ticket items. 

We are able to automate the entire process, but will need to do additional work when new product sets are launched or some are removed. Unfortunately, this type of maintenance will need to be done by hand. Still, it will be totally worth it.

Tagasiside e-maili automatsioonThe name says it all – we are collecting feedback. Automatically. 

These are generally a looped process, where someone enters it upon purchasing or participating. In a series of emails they are asked for feedback, offered incentives, and thanked for their input. The feedback gets collected on a separate Google Sheets file or CRM. 

A total set it and forget it scenario. Not very expensive to set up, either. Highly efficient if you want to test client experience or build a customer loyalty programme.

Our main email marketing platforms are:

Onte Digital - Klaviyo
Mailchimp - Onte Digital
Onte Digital - Smaily

Your platform’s not here?

No worries. Let us know which one it is and we’ll learn how to use it.

Your platform’s not here?

No worries. Let us know which one it is and we’ll learn how to use it.

Email marketing automation examples

PS! click on the examples to read in further detail.

Lineaarne e-maili automatsioon

If you are in no need of a fancy solution to a simple task, then a linear flow is probably what you are looking for. Or a Zappier-CRM solution. But let’s focus on that linear flow in this one. 

It’s the most straightforward of all the systems. People go from point A to B in an orderly fashion and everyone gets the same treatment. Some examples of this in real life would be:

  • Post-purchase client service. Collecting feedback, wishing happy birthday, introducing supplementary products.
  • Post-purchase follow-up to educate the client on how to best use the product or service.
  • Servicing an enquiry. Letting the person know that you have received it. In case of delays, keeping them calm and relaxed.

There are plenty more examples, but I’m sure you can already imagine how this works. 🙂

One time project – set it and forget it. 

PS! We can easily link your CRM with Zappier to have them communicate with each other. Imagine being able to launch an email flow by simply ticking a box in Hubspot or Pipedrive. Now that’s awesome!

Uudiskirja e-maili automatsioon

Don’t worry too much about that example above. It’s purely illustrative. Your newsletter automation would look entirely different. They’re all different. 

More diverse when you have a lot more going on. And more budget. But can be a lot simpler when you don’t need it to do tens of different things at a time. Or you want to be more conservative with your money.

Overall, it’s a newsletter like any other. Feel free to sign up to ours if you want to see one in action. Here’s how we do them: 

  1. Start by mapping out our topics. This is what we want to talk about with our subscriber.
  2. Write down our goals for this funnel. What it needs to do for us to be happy. 
  3. Talk about the money. Everything costs something and we want to make sure to stay under budget.
  4. Set deadlines. And stick to them.
  5. Build it. Test it. Launch it.

A well-built newsletter allows you to have a fun conversation with your potential customers and deliver quality content to them. For free. It will automatically send these emails at the best possible time and day to achieve the highest open rates and CTR. Plus, it’ll track everything. You’ll know which headlines work and which ones don’t.

It will also tell you which email addresses are more engaged and whom to exclude from future communication. Having a healthy and engaged email list is important, as it keeps your sender authority score high. Spam filters and SPamhaus use this rating to monitor for suspicious emailing behaviour. Bad score gets your letters sent to SPAM, or worse – your domain being shut down.

Varasemate klientide kaasamise e-maili automatsioon

In short, if you want to increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), then this is the solution for you.

It’s going to be your favourite sales tool when running an online store. This flow works by tracking what type of products someone adds to their cart or purchases, keeps a record of it, and suggests similar or complimentary products to add as extras to their next cart. Brilliant, really. 

You can fully customise which products get suggested, how often, and the criteria that needs to be met before anything happens. You can even go as far as offer them a 20% (or higher) discount for certain products or the entire basket. All automated and running 24/7. 

Külma müügi e-maili automatsioon

Would you like a new sales person that works 24/7, does not require a salary, and predictably delivers new hot leads to your doorstep on a silver platter?

Let’s have a chat!

The purpose of this automation is to effectively deliver the right messages and value propositions to your prospective contacts. You are building a relationship by not investing your own hours into it. Only when they are ready to have a talk with you, they’ll reach out and let you know. By this point they are quite happy to hear your offer and have a think about it. 

We do not recommend using purchased email lists or any other suspicious method for acquiring these leads (forget data scraping AI). It is highly likely that you could either end up with a spam trap in your mailing list or irreparably damage your sender authority rating.

If you need help collecting your leads in a proper way and having a good quality list of cold emails, do let us know. We’ll help you out for free. Unless you want us to do the work for you, which is also fine. 

The key to a good cold sales flow is filtering out the inactive emails. You want to have a high deliverability rate (ideally 98% or higher), an average open rate of at least 30% and an average click rate of 5%+. Otherwise you are throwing money in the wind. 

Upselling e-maili automatsioon

Quite similar to the aforementioned upsell and CLV flow, but this one focuses more on the product categories, instead on purchase behaviour. 

In the upsell flow the system focuses on how to increase their shopping basket, but this is not always relatable to every business. What if you are selling jewelry, where someone is not purchasing a new set of diamond earrings each month. 

We want to offer them a diamond pendant necklace, instead. For this, we must understand whether they purchased a 24-carat white gold set of earrings or a 9-carat rose gold set with sapphires on the rim. 

Building such a sophisticated flow is often more expensive and only makes sense if your profit margin is also higher for each purchase. Especially, when selling high-ticket items. 

We are able to automate the entire process, but will need to do additional work when new product sets are launched or some are removed. Unfortunately, this type of maintenance will need to be done by hand. Still, it will be totally worth it.

Tagasiside e-maili automatsioon

The name says it all – we are collecting feedback. Automatically. 

These are generally a looped process, where someone enters it upon purchasing or participating. In a series of emails they are asked for feedback, offered incentives, and thanked for their input. The feedback gets collected on a separate Google Sheets file or CRM. 

A total set it and forget it scenario. Not very expensive to set up, either. Highly efficient if you want to test client experience or build a customer loyalty programme.

How we would organise that monthly email marketing for you

How we would organise that monthly email marketing for you

Copy and design are taken care of

That’s right. 

Want us to write the whole thing from scratch? Done. 

Feel like your industry is a bit too technical to outsource all of the writing? No worries, we’ll include you or your associate in the process.

The same goes for design and graphics.

You are paying us to help make your life easier, save time, and get results. That’s precisely what we’re going to do. 

A lasting imprint

Everything we build and create will be saved in your emailing platform. It’s yours to keep. 

We can focus our monthly efforts on any of the below: 

  • Weekly manually sent campaigns.
  • Working on extending or sophisticating email automation flows.
  • Syncing digital tools for email marketing purposes (CRM, Zappier, Google Sheets, Looker Studio, Shopify, etc.).
  • Building landing pages for list building.
  • Custom projects. 

Essentially, we will be giving 1-2 of our experts for you to assign on projects, as needed. 

You'll know what we did, are doing, and will do

Prefer an in-depth expert analysis? You’ll get a handwritten report each month, detailing all that. This will be presented in a video meeting and will include a strategy session.

Not enough time for all that? No worries, we’ll send you monthly updates of only the most important details. You will always be able to schedule a call with your account manager and discuss things in more detail.

We will work to make sure you always know: 

  • What we did the previous month.
  • What we are doing this month.
  • What’s planned for next month. 
Emaili Turundus
Emaili Turundus

Everything we build and create will be saved in your emailing platform. It’s yours to keep. 

We can focus our monthly efforts on any of the below: 

  • Weekly manually sent campaigns.
  • Working on extending or sophisticating email automation flows.
  • Syncing digital tools for email marketing purposes (CRM, Zappier, Google Sheets, Looker Studio, Shopify, etc.).
  • Building landing pages for list building.
  • Custom projects. 

Essentially, we will be giving 1-2 of our experts for you to assign on projects, as needed. 

You'll know what we did, are doing, and will do

Prefer an in-depth expert analysis? You’ll get a handwritten report each month, detailing all that. This will be presented in a video meeting and will include a strategy session.

Not enough time for all that? No worries, we’ll send you monthly updates of only the most important details. You will always be able to schedule a call with your account manager and discuss things in more detail.

We will work to make sure you always know: 

  • What we did the previous month.
  • What we are doing this month.
  • What’s planned for next month. 
Emaili Turundus

Copy and design are taken care of

That’s right. 

Want us to write the whole thing from scratch? Done. 

Feel like your industry is a bit too technical to outsource all of the writing? No worries, we’ll include you or your associate in the process.

The same goes for design and graphics.

You are paying us to help make your life easier, save time, and get results. That’s precisely what we’re going to do. 

A lasting imprint

Everything we build and create will be saved in your emailing platform. It’s yours to keep. 

We can focus our monthly efforts on any of the below: 

  • Weekly manually sent campaigns.
  • Working on extending or sophisticating email automation flows.
  • Syncing digital tools for email marketing purposes (CRM, Zappier, Google Sheets, Looker Studio, Shopify, etc.).
  • Building landing pages for list building.
  • Custom projects. 

Essentially, we will be giving 1-2 of our experts for you to assign on projects, as needed. 

You'll know what we did, are doing, and will do

Prefer an in-depth expert analysis? You’ll get a handwritten report each month, detailing all that. This will be presented in a video meeting and will include a strategy session.

Not enough time for all that? No worries, we’ll send you monthly updates of only the most important details. You will always be able to schedule a call with your account manager and discuss things in more detail.

We will work to make sure you always know: 

  • What we did the previous month.
  • What we are doing this month.
  • What’s planned for next month. 

How we automate email

How we automate email

Eposti turundus
Eposti turundus

Start by laying out the steps

First things first. We must write down what the automation needs to achieve and what sort of budget we are talking about. 

For this, we will need to know: 

  1. Who this automation will service (who make up your mailing list) and how they enter this automation.
  2. What the end results must be.
  3. Who genuinely cares about the content?
  4. What needs to be there to offer value to the recipient. 
  5. What are your avg. cost per client and client lifetime value. This will allow us to optimise towards profitability.

What happens after

It’s easy to forget your mailing list once the automation has been built and left to its own devices. However, a lot of your profit comes in after multiple touch points. It’s not uncommon for B2B leads to take 1-2 years to convert. 

It is highly recommended to have a layer of activities for your mailing lists. The inactive ones are filtered out and what’s left at the end of one flow are high value contacts, ready to be put to work in the next layer. 

If you only have one layer, that’s money lost for your business. We’ll help you get those extra layers implemented.

The best and the rest

About 0.5 – 1% of your initial list will convert within the first 2-3 months. There’s an additional 5-10% who will convert any time between 3-30 months. It can be a long process – but easy, when automated. Just takes time. 

Filtering contact quality is the best way to focus your efforts in the right direction. Some contacts will become inactive, never to open an email in 6 months – we help you get rid of those ones and focus on the ones who click, spend time on your site, and make purchases. 

What happens after

It’s easy to forget your mailing list once the automation has been built and left to its own devices. However, a lot of your profit comes in after multiple touch points. It’s not uncommon for B2B leads to take 1-2 years to convert. 

It is highly recommended to have a layer of activities for your mailing lists. The inactive ones are filtered out and what’s left at the end of one flow are high value contacts, ready to be put to work in the next layer. 

If you only have one layer, that’s money lost for your business. We’ll help you get those extra layers implemented.

The best and the rest

About 0.5 – 1% of your initial list will convert within the first 2-3 months. There’s an additional 5-10% who will convert any time between 3-30 months. It can be a long process – but easy, when automated. Just takes time. 

Filtering contact quality is the best way to focus your efforts in the right direction. Some contacts will become inactive, never to open an email in 6 months – we help you get rid of those ones and focus on the ones who click, spend time on your site, and make purchases. 

Eposti turundus

Start by laying out the steps

First things first. We must write down what the automation needs to achieve and what sort of budget we are talking about. 

For this, we will need to know: 

  1. Who this automation will service (who make up your mailing list) and how they enter this automation.
  2. What the end results must be.
  3. Who genuinely cares about the content?
  4. What needs to be there to offer value to the recipient. 
  5. What are your avg. cost per client and client lifetime value. This will allow us to optimise towards profitability.

What happens after

It’s easy to forget your mailing list once the automation has been built and left to its own devices. However, a lot of your profit comes in after multiple touch points. It’s not uncommon for B2B leads to take 1-2 years to convert. 

It is highly recommended to have a layer of activities for your mailing lists. The inactive ones are filtered out and what’s left at the end of one flow are high value contacts, ready to be put to work in the next layer. 

If you only have one layer, that’s money lost for your business. We’ll help you get those extra layers implemented.

The best and the rest

About 0.5 – 1% of your initial list will convert within the first 2-3 months. There’s an additional 5-10% who will convert any time between 3-30 months. It can be a long process – but easy, when automated. Just takes time. 

Filtering contact quality is the best way to focus your efforts in the right direction. Some contacts will become inactive, never to open an email in 6 months – we help you get rid of those ones and focus on the ones who click, spend time on your site, and make purchases. 

Interested in a bit of light reading?